CARBOTECH S.r.l. is a chemical Company founded in 2004. The Company is focused on the production of graphite, metal graphite and electro-graphite brushes for various applications both in the automotive and in the consumer market.
The Company can boast a long and specialized experience along with a tradition of intense courage and passion as its foundation can be traced back to 1962. It rose indeed from the ashes of an italian firm, later merged into a multinational group which intended to delocalize the business. In February 2009 the Company was renewed and rethought by means of a locally focused M.B.O. (Managing By Out) transaction, that paved the way for a new reality marked by an ever growing development with a positive impact on sales, employees, profits, research and innovation. In particular, the Company has decided to invest in the latter fields: by wagering on internal and external research it aims at innovating products and processes as a basic condition for sustainable growth. Thanks to this strategy it has been ranked among the PMI Innovative (Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) companies every year from 2015 up to nowadays.
PMI Innovative companies arose from the model of Open Innovation which is built up on the assumption that the merging and circulation of ideas across the corporate functions as well as the company relations to the outside entities (i.e. suppliers, customers, competitors, universities and so forth) can fuel innovation: a company innovative output is turned into another company’s innovative input.
This assumption can also be extended to Carbotech’s mission and philosophy: investing resources in research and endorsing innovation-oriented behaviours as well as fostering the connection between Company and territory, showing sense of initiative and flexibility are the main features representing what the Company is today. The result is an organizational set-up which is aligned to its core business and is functionally tied to it.
The Company offers a variety of standard grades and is able to develop new ones in response to any possible clients’ needs by conducting tests in a laboratory equipped with test benches and climate chambers. Its Client portfolio includes brands from all over the world: namely Brose, Bosch, Ametek, Bühler, Prestolite, Johnson Electric and many others.
Based on such evidence and in light of the expansion trend, Carbotech is willing to move from a product vision onto a market vision, trying to boost and anticipate this transaction so as to profit from the emerging markets. The internationalisation process has gone even further through the establishment of a new plant in Serbia with the intent of satisfying the market demand coming from that part of Europe.